Certificate Upgrade

Manually Installing the certificate on your computer

We suggest reviewing these instructions beforehand.
You may want to print them for reference during the installation process

TheJnet-2020.crt TheJnet-2020.der

  1. Click on any of the download links above
    Windows will pop up a warning message, asking if you want to open the file.
  2. The Download icon will briefly show at the bottom-right corner of the screen, and Chrome will start the download.
    Downloading in Chrome
  3. Wait until the green timer circle fills up and vanishes, then click on the button for the downloaded certificate.
    install buttonSecurity Warning
    Click on “Open”.


  1. The certificate will open
    Click on Install button
  2. The Certificate Installation Wizard wil open:
    Installation Step 2
    Click on Next.
  3. In the next screen, select the option that says “Place all certificates in the following store“, Then click on browse
    Installation Step 3
  4. In the selection window, select the item titled “Trusted Root Certificate Authorities
    Installation Step 4
    Click on OK.
  5. You will return to the previous screen, and your selection will show there.
    Installation Step 5
    Click on Next.
  6. The last screen of the Wizard will open, allowing you to review what will be done:
    Installation Step 6
    Click on Finish.
  7. Windows will pop up a security warning:
    Installation Step 7
    Click on Yes.
  8. The certificate will be installed, and a confirmation message will show:
    Installation Completion
    Click on OK.
  9. In the Certificate window, click on OK to close the window.
  10. Congratulations. Your computer is now SSL Compliant.